Youth Lead Peace project

Capacity-building for youth, Key Action 2 Youth Lead Peace

 01/05/2022 – 01/01/2024 - Project Number: 101052101 – YLP – Erasmus- Youth- 2021- CB

Erasmus+ projects aimed at capacity-building in the youth field encompass a range of activities that encourage cooperation among organizations active in youth, education, training, and other socio-economic sectors in participating program countries and partner countries from different regions of the world. These projects aim to recognize and enhance socio-educational animation, non-formal learning, and volunteering, as well as connect them to education systems and the labor market. They also support mechanisms of non-formal transnational mobility for learning purposes to encourage youth participation in society.

INSA Rouen Normandie is a partner in the Youth Lead Peace project. This project aims to create an international community of young people engaging in dialogue on peace, human rights, and the fight against violence. As part of this consortium of 8 countries (Italy, Libya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Germany, Palestine, Spain, and France), INSA Rouen Normandie has several activities to carry out: workshops, seminars, communication, and a final dissemination event.

Our students involved in the project

From October 29 to November 5, 2022, Awa Faye, Papa Thiecouta Diallo, and Jeanne Casenave, three students from our INSA, participated in a training seminar in Djerba as part of the Erasmus+ Youth Lead Peace project.

For a week, in contact with 21 other young participants from different countries, they were trained in facilitating workshops on peace and the principles of non-violence by Dr. King. It was a busy week with debates and rich exchanges with young people whose daily lives vary greatly from one country to another.

Workshops, led by students involved in the project, were offered to INSA Rouen Normandie students in February 2023.