Study abroad
Every school year, 100% of INSA students participate in international mobility programs.
As part of their academic school year, INSA student engineers can spend a semester abroad in one of the 40 countries with whom we have signed over 150 joint agreements (Argentina, Canada, Finland, Spain, United States, and more). The agreements apply to several types of programs: FITEC, BCI, ERASMUS+...
Check the list of our international partners here.
During their time at INSA, student engineers can give their engineer profile international scope by completing internships abroad.
INSA students can obtain an international dual degree in one of INSA Rouen Normandie or INSA Group partner universities in Brazil, Canada, China, Spain, Morocco, United Kingdom, etc.
They can also obtain a joint degree through our German partner university.
Scholarships can be granted for study abroad or internships through Erasmus + programs, Aide à la Mobilité Internationale (AMI), Normandie Pass Monde region grants, FITEC programs or the UFA (Franco-German University).
A means-testing threshold is set each year by this committee, which awards partial funding (lump-sum grants) as the subsidies collected do not cover all needs. Priority is given to scholarship holders on a need-based criteria.
These scholarships are distributed by the International Relations Department. A commission arbitrates distribution.
Find out more about our financial aid on this dedicated page.