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LMN - Laboratoire de Mécanique de Normandie


LMN lab is a research group accreditated by the French Ministry of Research (EA 3828). It is a member of the doctoral school PSIME and of the normand research networks «Energy and Materials», «Digital Normandy» and «Earth and Sea».

Research fields

The 3 main research fields of the LMN set out below are based on a continuous process connec- ting: data collection - hierarchization and selection of the most significant aspects - modeling under uncertainty - optimization under uncertainty and reliability.

  • Risks
  • Uncertainties, variability
  • Probabilistic mechanics, reliability

Application areas

  • Renewable energies
  • Slender Structures
  • Mechatronic systems
  • Design, modeling and optimization under uncertainty
  • Structural safety

Know-how and expertise

Notion of random fatigue, analysis and hierarchiza- tion of risks: quantification, failure of mechanical and mechatronic systems.

Probabilisticmechanics, reliability, vibratory fatigue
Modeling and optimization under uncertainties, design in uncertain environment, improvement of systems and processes taking into account variability and uncertainties.

Analysis of uncertainties and variability in design, whatever the sectors (customs systems, wind turbines, electronic circuits ...)


Advanced facilities
The LMN has high quality equipments: vibration fatigue test benches, non-contact measurement and impact test (in creation). The LMN is also associated with «CIEMME», center of innovation and expertise in mechanics, materials and energies, set up in partnership with the leader of additive manufacturing Volum-e. It is also a partner of the «CCU», a common machining center at INSA Rouen Normandie, in particular equipped with a 5-axis machine..

A wide range of collaborations

There are many partners and countries that collaborate with the LMN: Volum-e, Ca Easylan, Aptar, Ceeva, Faurecia. The laboratory is also the leader of a national project (AMI) with the company Freyssinet and the University of Le Havre: Eoli . Germany, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the Maghreb are among its international partners.


Laboratoire LMN
Campus INSA Rouen Normandie
685 avenue de l’Université, BP08
76801 Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray cedex
tél : (0)2 32 95 97 14

Direction : Olivier BAREILLE

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