
Key figures !

  • 100% international mobility

  • 1 Welcome Program

  • 1 Scientific Summer School

  • 22 double degrees

  • 150 international partner institutions

  • 350 incoming and outgoing students per year

  • 350 international internship


Internationalisation is more than ever at the heart of INSA Rouen Normandie's strategy.


The internationalisation strategy is aimed at the whole of the institution's community and is organised around several objectives:

  • Objective 1: The construction of international cooperation projects and bilateral agreements with partner universities.
  • Objective 2: Development of international cooperation projects (Campus franco-sénégalais, ADESFA, CALIOPE, etc.) aimed at supporting the development of higher education in third countries.
  • Objective 3: Strengthen the incoming and outgoing mobility of the entire INSA community (students, teacher-researchers, administrative and technical staff, and doctoral students).
  • Objective 4: Internationalisation of training, in the form of courses taught partially or entirely in English, international co- and double-diplomas and short programmes.
  • Objective 5: Internationalisation of research.


Several areas of development:

  • Development of the network of foreign partners: international mobility for all students, who have the opportunity to go abroad under our agreements with more than 100 international partners, or through cooperation programmes such as FITEC, ERASMUS, etc. They can carry out work placements abroad, exchange semesters or even degree courses (double diplomas or joint degrees). They can take part in work placements abroad, exchange semesters or degree courses (double diplomas). At the same time, INSA Rouen Normandie welcomes many students on exchange semesters, internships, double-diploma programmes and doctoral schools. The school is also involved in the Erasmus + International Mobility programme for credits.
  • Emphasis on international collaboration in research and innovation;
  • The adaptation of training content to the cultural diversity of the professional world, with compulsory mobility for all INSA students, the learning of foreign languages, and sports and artistic activities.
  • INSA Rouen Normandie, member of ECIU University, 1st European University where learners, teachers and researchers cooperate with cities and businesses to solve real-life challenges.


These activities are carried out, as far as possible, in the INSA group or INSA-UT Alliance, but do not exclude projects based on a regional basis, particularly within the framework of Normandie Tech, an association bringing together INSA Rouen Normandie and ENSICAEN, and the ComUE Normandie Université.

In terms of internationalisation of training, from September 2019, the school is offering specialised courses in English, open to 4th and 5th year exchange students. A scientific Summer School in English is also offered to international students from summer 2020!

INSA Rouen Normandie, like all the other schools in the INSA Group, is concerned about the quality of its welcome for international students and has signed up to the "Welcome to France" accreditation process set up by Campus France in 2019, obtaining 2 stars.

The role of the International Relations Department

The role of the International Relations Department is to support the school's international strategy in conjunction with the various players involved. It is particularly involved in the following areas:

  • Developing and monitoring international cooperation and bilateral agreements with partner universities
  • Internationalisation of courses in the form of programmes taught partly in English and international double degrees
  • Coordinating incoming mobility: welcoming exchange students and providing them with specific support
  • Coordination of outgoing mobility: dissemination and processing of information relating to international exchanges and cooperation for administrative staff, teacher-researchers and exchange students; promotion and management of study mobility and funding for work placements abroad (Erasmus +, bilateral agreements, BCI, FITEC, etc.)
  • Financial management of cooperation and mobility projects, and management of grants allocated under the institution's partnerships scheme
  • Representing the university at local, national and international trade fairs
  • Participation in international networks
  • Active participation in national and international meetings organised by external bodies on university exchanges and cooperation around the world
  • Welcoming foreign representatives to the university (delegations, etc.)
  • Distributing international calls for tenders and helping to set up international projects
  • Enhancing the attractiveness and visibility of the institution
  • Organising themed short programmes (summer Welcome Programme, staff training week, Summer School, etc.)
  • Participation in Erasmus + AC2 cooperation projects that correspond to the values promoted by INSA.
  • Participation in ECIU European University.