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LMI - Laboratoire de Mathématiques de l'INSA


The Laboratory of Mathematics at INSA Rouen is a Research Ministry recognized research team (EA 3226). It is integrated into the MIIS Doctoral School and the Normandy Interest Network «Normandie digitale». The LMI is also a member of the CNRS «Normandy Mathematics» Research Federation.

Research fields

  • Approximation and numerical analysis, CAGD, data science
  • Modeling, PDE, homogenization
  • Optimization, optimal control, control theory, operational research
  • Image processing: segmentation, registration, applications in medicine and geophysics
  • Scientific computing, numerical simula- tion, HPC
  • Probability and statistics

Application areas

  • 3D in real time
  • Medical and geophysical imaging
  • Energy
  • Eco-mobility
  • Pollution Study

Know-how and expertise

The wide variety of research themes of LMI members enables it to cover many fields of investigation, the common link being a rigorous modeling of the studied phenomena before deepening their potentialities. Part of our work is done in partnership with the industry. Six main themes of research are thus studied within the laboratory:

from 3D sculpture to 3D printing, or surface offset modeling.

Medical and geophysical imaging
segmentation, noise removal, regis- tration, movement tracking...

wind field and ocean current simu- lation, wind turbine fiability, cloud tracking for solar energy.

road traffic modeling, optimization of logistic flows.

Air pollution study
using statistical methods.


On current topics
The human size and dynamism of the LMI allow it to collaborate on significant projects, in connection with the industry and bu- sinesses. As shown by :

  • success story on wind turbine energy: from PEPS of Labex • AMIES to the M2NUM project of the Région Normandie and Europe including partners like ENGIE - LCV, ADWEN and many academic laboratories...
  • many major international collaborations: CSC with China, Ecos • Nord with Mexico....
  • strong international relations like the United States, Great Britain, Tunisia, Morocco, Poland, Cuba, Italy, Russia, Poland and Vietnam...
  • collaborative projects like M2NUM project in connection with energy, imaging sciences and eco-mobility, XTERM on complex systems, CLASSE2 on port aspects and logistics, ANR Fractal Grids...
  • projects supported by Region Normandy (linked to the Normandy Networks of Interests «Normandie Digitale» and «Continuum Terre-Mer») as Monomad in imaging sciences and Teledetact with CEREMA on the study of Norman cli s, LMI is strongly involved in major axes with industry and society.

A wide range of collaborations

Numerous enterprises are interested by the CORIA’s skills: ADWEN, Air Liquide, Continental, Delphi, EDF, Engie, Fives Pillard, GE Healthcare, IBM, PSA, Re- nault, Renault F1, Rhodia, Safran, Saint Gobain, Thalès, Total, Valéo, Zodiac... CORIA is internationally renowned and has worldwide collaborations: England, Germany, China, Austra- lia, Belgium, United States, Tunisia, Algeria, Sweden, Brazil, Hungary, Czechoslovakia ...


Laboratoire LMI
Campus INSA Rouen Normandie
685 avenue de l’Université, BP08
76801 Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray cedex
tél : (0)2 32 95 97 00
Director : 
Secreariat :

Director : Nicolas FORCADEL

More information

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