In 3 years, the EP specialty forms engineers involved in environmental issues. They have high skills in different areas: control and use of energies, development of new propulsion systems for automotive and aerospace industries.
Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies with a PhD.
- Energy
- Environment
- Propulsion systems
- Automotive industry
- Aerospace industry
- Spatial
Les dernières actualités

Training description
- Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, CFD, Heat Transfers, Combustion, Turbomachinery, CAD, Aerodynamics, Turbulence, Two Phase Flows, Mathematics, Data Processing, Material Sciences, Electronics ...
- the training is composed of theoretical scientific courses (55%), projects (20%) and humanities (25%)
- 1st and 2nd year on core curriculum and choice of courses within the following fields for 3rd year: Sustainable Energies or Propulsion Systems
- international dimension : a 3 months experience abroad is required, the possibility is offered to register for a joint diploma with Germany or a double diploma with England
Students can apply to INSA after a postgraduate degree or after two years of higher education in sciences.
professional opportunities
Several opportunities are offered to EP engineers: Sustainable Energy, Energy Production, Automotive and Aerospace Industries.
I choose EP specialty
On a real campus
This training takes place near the city of Rouen on the campus of INSA Rouen Normandie, easily accessible with public transports. Student residences are available on campus.
An interactive approach
Long term personalized projects enable students to increase their theoretical knowledge, acquire skills and develop their own innovative ideas.
Support for innovation and entrepreneurship
INSA Rouen Normandie is committed to training profiles sensitive to innovation and entrepreneurship. The institute takes part in different promotion programs such as Pépite, which assists young entrepreneurs.
A professional model
Students have several opportunities to discover the professional context: work experiences, project management and the possibility to carry out their final year within the frame of a professional training contract: 2 days in the company and 3 days at INSA Rouen Normandie.
This specialty takes advantage of many installations and pedagogical support: automotive and aeronautic benches, cogeneration plant, wind turbine, photovoltaic panels…
Professional relationship
EP specialty enjoys excellent connections with companies such as Safran, Airbus, Renault, PSA, ENGIE, EDF…
A personalized curriculum
Students have the opportunity to prepare for a research Masters during their 3rd year. They can also do their last year in a similar specialty in another INSA. Specialization possible in 3rd year at IFP School or INSTN.