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Engineers acquire and deploy skills such as the ability to design, implement, test and validate innovative solutions, methods, products, systems and services. 

This is why several engineering schools and universities have created the InnovENT-E consortium (Innovation pour les ENTreprises à l'Export) ,

from 2011 to 2018, to roll out a nationwide program within the framework of the Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir - IDEFI (Initiatives d'Excellence en Formations Innovantes) aimed at SMEs and SMIs. 

Innovation is recognized as a growth factor when it is mastered and deployed within an appropriate process, the mechanisms and tools of which need to be understood. 

The member establishments then developed training programs based on this content.

Today, the Fondation Institut InnovENT-E is continuing this activity by linking these higher education players with local SMEs and their ecosystems: innovation can be learned, innovation for all, innovation in all sectors.

Various schemes, such as internships, work-study programs, projects and theses, enable students to work on innovation projects for SME-SMIs, according to the terms defined by the establishments.

These contacts also help young people to become better acquainted with these companies and their activities as part of their career plans.

INSA Rouen Normandie is a member of the InnovENT-E Institute, for all contacts: