Research ethics and scientific integrity
Since 2017, INSA Rouen Normandie participates in RESINT, a national network involved in research ethics and scientific integrity.
INSA Rouen Normandie strives to promote a culture of scientific integrity among key research players. The institution’s goal is to ensure that individuals involved in research, whether for training, research or valuation purposes, comply with the following charter:
- Team managers, research entities, doctoral institutions and platforms ensure to spread scientific integrity training for and information to their members
- Doctoral students are made aware of and specifically trained on conflict of interest prevention and scientific integrity
- All individuals involved in research have the obligation to inform themselves on scientific integrity policies for procedures regarding development, spreading on or value creation.
The values and principles upheld by this charter comply with the European "HR Excellence for Researchers" certification obtained in 2019 and with the Horizon Europe European program regulations for research and innovation.