Clubs and societies

Upon student enrollment, educational trainers encourage student awareness of the human dimension of their future career. Their commitment is naturally strengthened through cultural, sports, scientific or humanitarian association initiatives, in conjunction with frequent support by the Student Council.

Sports Association

The Sports Association aims to encourage participation in sports by students, INSA staff and users of the Madrillet Technopôle higher education program. It represents INSA in academic sports events and gives students the opportunity to participate in approximately thirty activities in the school's gymnasium, opposite the campus.

Visuel association sportive INSA Rouen Normandie

INSA gymnasium equipment:

  • A climbing wall
  • Two multi-sports facilities,
  • A combat room
  • • A fitness room


  • Breakdance
  • Crossfit
  • Abdo fessiers
  • Badminton
  • Men’s and women’s basketball
  • Boxing
  • Cheerleading
  • Circus
  • Coaching
  • Elite sport coaching
  • Track
  • Modern Jazz
  • Climbing
  • Men’s soccer
  • Mixed futsal
  • Men’s and women’s handball
  • Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
  • Nordic walking
  • Bodybuilding
  • Qi Gong
  • Quidditch
  • Weight training
  • Men’s and women’s rugby
  • Squash (in conjunction with a club in Rouen)
  • Table tennis
  • Trail
  • Troll ball
  • Sailing - AVIRE Association
  • Men’s and women’s volleyball
  • Mountain bike
  • Yoga
  • Zumba

Sports association subscriptions

  • Annual subscription: €90,
  • A current-year medical certificate is mandatory for students wishing to compete in university events and for anyone over 35 (certificates are mandatory for everyone participating in HIGH RISK SPORTS),
  • A health questionnaire for students and staff not participating in competitions and under 35.

Permanence on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Magellan building, office HR 1 117
M. DUBUIS, AS president
Mme MAROS, AS assistante
02 32 95 66 20

Student Council

The Student Council is an association for INSA students.

Its mission:

  • Facilitate cultural, recreational, sports and social life on campus (theme-based events, support of student associations and clubs, etc.))
  • Build ties among students (integration of new students, inter-INSA events, etc.)
  • Promote INSA student talent inside and outside the university (student project grants, gala, etc.)
The Student Council is highly engaged in daily campus life and offers services with highly competitive rates:
  • Printing and binding reports, photocopying,
  • Student recreation rooms in school residence halls where students can play pool and table tennis, watch movies or meet with friends,
  • INSA polo shirts and sweatshirts,
  • Coffee and pastries during breaks.

The Student Council also publishes INSA TV News, the school newspaper and the INSA guidebook for first-year students.

Votre contact
Tél. / Fax. : 33 [0] 2 35 52 83 66
Courriel :

Clubs and associations

In order for everyone to take part in what they are passionate about, the Student Council manages the clubs with regards to organization, equipment and funding:

  • Astronomy
  • IT
  • Juggling
  • Music
  • Photograhy
  • Poker
  • Rallying
  • Robotics
  • Sailing
  • And much more…


AJIR is the Junior-Enterprise of INSA Rouen Normandie. A Junior-Enterprise is inspired by the model of consulting firms.

AJIR gives INSA students the opportunity to put their teaching into practice through projects for companies.

AJIR is run entirely by INSA students for its students.

It is possible to develop a wide range of skills that are complementary to technical engineering training, such as:

  • Business development
  • Management and strategy within a structure
  • Treasury
  • Communication
  • Quality management
  • Human Resources Management

Joining a Junior-Enterprise means becoming part of France's leading national student movement, comprising 180 structures at France's leading business schools, and bringing together more than 20,000 students. It also means taking part in regional and national conferences, and benefiting from advanced training provided by the movement's Premium partners.

AJIR website


Your contact