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Don@ project

Cooperation partnership in Higher Education, Key Action 2 / Donation Opportunities for Newcomers – DON@

 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2024 - Project number : 2022-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000085690

This Erasmus+ action enables participating higher education institutions to gain experience in international cooperation and to strengthen their capacities, as well as to produce high-quality innovative results.

The DON@ project, coordinated by INSA Rouen Normandie, brings together three higher education institutions from France, Lithuania and Spain as well as three civil society structures, two French student associations and a Greek NGO.

The DON@ project, coordinated by INSA Rouen Normandie, brings together three higher education institutions from France, Lithuania and Spain as well as three civil society structures, two French student associations and a Greek NGO.

This project is organised in 5 modules of activities. These activities carried out by all partners of our consortium will consist of the general management of the project, the communication around it, the development of a physical donation platform (donation day), the development of a digital tool adapted to the management of donations, the use of the results of this project and the measurement of its impact.


Kick off meeting at INSA Rouen Normandie

On 15th and 16th of November 2022, INSA Rouen Normandie hosted and facilitated the launch seminar of the Erasmus + Donation Opportunities for Newcomers project, DON@.

The aim of this working meeting:

- To present the project in more detail to the operational teams of the different partner organisations.

- Review the recommendations of the French Erasmus + agency

- To adopt communication and working tools for the follow-up and the good functioning of the project

The six partners agreed on the next steps to be taken as well as the next online and face-to-face meetings to come.


Donations events for students in 6 different locations across Europe

Thanks to working meetings and developed tools, partners were able to define a process and launch 'Sharing is Caring' events or donation events for students in their respective locations.

These events brought together over 700 participants in total and enabled the distribution of over 1000 items to students in need.

Watch the presentation video of these events here:

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