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INSA Rouen Normandie is the largest regional public engineering school. It has eight research laboratories in perfect synergy with the training it offers. This dual competence allows it to provide an open-ended response to societal challenges and challenges in the following clusters.

With 8 laboratories including 4 Mixed Research Units and 4 Own Research Teams, INSA Rouen Normandie actively contributes to the promotion of scientific research in Normandy, in France and around the world. The research laboratories collaborate with large companies to achieve high-level projects in the fields of chemistry, energy, computer and information systems applied mathematics, mechanics, materials and process engineering.

Listening to projects and support needs, the Research and Development Department is above all an interface between:

  • companies looking for scientific and technical skills
  • laboratories and researchers wishing to value the results of their research
  • Centers for Studies and Technological and Industrial Research (CERTI)
  • institutions active in local economic development

Training nourished by research: INSA Rouen Normandie has chosen to train its graduates in strong interaction with research so that they can, during their professional life, play a leading role in technological innovation. Students can take a module of initiation to research during their education. Training courses in all fields are backed by research laboratories located on the Rouen-Madrillet, Mont St Aignan and Le Havre campuses. Students wishing to move towards scientific careers can enroll in one of the many research Masters and pursue a thesis in one of the INSA partner doctoral schools.

Scientific Policy: The Scientific Policy is defined by the Scientific Council and implemented by the Research Directorate. INSA Rouen Normandie is also actively involved in the network policy with other INSA: for example on the organization, selection and hosting of Chinese doctoral students in the framework of a partnership with the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the network of Universities of Technologies, and more recently the reception of students and PhD students from the Dominican Republic via the CALIOPE program.

Site Policy: INSA Rouen Normandie actively participates in the site policy in close ties with Normandy University.

Our missions

  • train doctoral students and develop research masters
  • negotiate industrial and commercial contracts
  • support national and European grant writing
  • guarantee the scientific interests of the INSA, in particular the protection of the results resulting from the research (intellectual property, patent application...)
  • manage the financial execution of contracts

The synergy between teaching and research at INSA Rouen Normandy is based on its hundred teachers-researchers, 50% of whom are accredited to supervise research works. They provide a permanent link between these two worlds. The institute offers, in addition to its engineering programs, seven research masters and is entitled to deliver the PhD. More than one hundred doctoral and post-doctoral students from five continents compose it.

Chemistry - Health - Process Engineering - Industrial Ecology

This division has 100 years of experience in engineering education and research dedicated to organic synthesis, polymer materials and process engineering. Its mission is to design controlled and secure industrial systems in the respect and protection of the environment, to develop drug molecules, to develop more efficient polymers...


COBRA, organic and bioorganic chemistry, reactivity and analysis // PBS, polymers, biopolymers, surfaces // LSPC, chemical process safety laboratory


Membership networks

Normandy Institute of Molecular, Medicinal and Macromolecular Chemistry FR CNRS 3038


Center for studies and

research for companies

CERTI SPEA, process safety, environment and analyses


Investments for

the future

LABEX SynOrg, organic synthesis of living molecules // institute Carnot springboard I2C


Information Systems - Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation

This center of expertise is available in many sectors such as the control of information systems (from sensor to user), e-health, medical and geophysical imaging, artificial intelligence, data science, the modeling and control of complex systems or the mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of physical phenomena ...


LITIS, computer science, information processing and systems laboratory // LMI, mathematics laboratory of INSA


Membership networks

Mathematical Normandy FR CNRS 3335, NormaStic FR CNRS 3638


Energies - propulsion - mechanics - materials - civil engineering - sustainable constructions

This cluster develops training and research in the field of energy sciences, associated materials and the study of their impacts (new systems applied to propulsion, depollution, combustion, new materials for energy, for nuclear, bio-polymers, eco-materials, clean energies ...)


CORIA, interprofessional research complex in aerothermochemistry // GPM, materials physics group // LMN, Normandy mechanics laboratory


Membership networks

Research Institute of Energy, Propulsion and Environment FR CNRS 3519 // Institute for Materials Research FR CNRS 3095


Center for studies and

research for companies

CIEMME, center of innovation and expertise in mechanics, materials and energies INSA Rouen Normandie


Investments for

the future

LABEX EMC3, materials for energy and clean combustion // AMI large wind // EQUIPEX Genesis, group of studies and nanoanalyses of the effects of irradiations // institute Carnot 2 energy and propulsion systems

INSA Rouen Normandie expends its research activities within five main fields in line with social challenges identified in the strategy of INSA Group:


  •     Global health and Bioengineering
  •     Energy for a sustainable development
  •     Environment: natural, industrial and urban environments
  •     Digital society and Information
  •     Transport: structures, infrastructures, and mobilities

Key figures

8 laboratories

1 common machining center


2 "start-up"

120 research contracts

104 teacher researchers

130 PhD students

54 teacher researchers accredited to supervise research

30 post-docs


Your contacts

Vincent ARNOUX
European projects
Normandy Valorisation
+33 2 32 95 65 29

Technology Transfer INSA Rouen TECH
02 32 95 97 13

European projects
+33 2 32 95 98 57

Gilles GASSO
Director of Research and doctoral training
+33 2 32 95 99 88

Director of Research, partnerships and technology transfer
+33 2 32 95 65 12

Industrial contracts, certified INSA projects, collaborative projects
+33 2 32 95 66 62

Doctoral studies / Scientific council
+33 2 32 95 98 64

National projects (ANR, regional projects ...)
+33 2 32 95 65 56

Emilie MORIN
ECIU - European university
+33 2 32 95 98 66