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Academic offer

INSA Rouen Normandie offers a broad range of academic programs.

Engineer training programs for full-time or apprenticeship students, nationally-accredited master’s degrees, master’s specialization® degrees, Normandy University PhD programs, Normandy University student entrepreneurial degrees. 
Use the following filter to choose your type of training.
    • Civil engineering, urban planning

    Civil and Urban Engineering

    In 3 years, the GCCD specialty prepares engineers capable of leading the design, implementation, operation...

    • Environment, energy

    Energy Engineering

    In 3 years, the EP specialty forms engineers involved in environmental issues. They have high...

  • Visuel MRIE
    • Systems, industrial risks, process engineering

    Industrial Risk Management and Process Engineering

    In 3 years, the MRIE specialty trains engineers involved in all aspects of Industrial Risk...