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Main domainCivil engineering, urban planning

In 3 years, the GCCD specialty prepares engineers capable of leading the design, implementation, operation, management and renovation of construction works and infrastructure. They gain expertise in many fields such as Sustainable Construction, Environment, and Building Security and Risk Analysis.

Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies with a PhD.

Photo d'une visite de chantier
  • Civil engineering
  • Sustainable construction
  • Environment
  • Security

Les dernières actualités

Training description


  • teaching: Construction, Energy, Modeling, Geotechnics, Sustainable Building, Construction and Public Works, Environmental and Urban Planning, Legislation and Regulation ...
  • 55% scientific courses, 20% practical projects and 25% humanities classes (Professional Communication, Foreign Languages, Management ...)
  • core curriculum in 1st and 2nd years and a choice of specialisation in the 3rd year: Environment and Maritime Public Works or Fire and Structure Safety Engineering
  • international: compulsory 3-month exchange program abroad


Students can apply to INSA after a postgraduate degree or after two years of higher education in sciences.

Professional opportunities


Construction, Civil Engineering, Public Works, Building, Technical Studies, Planning, Environment ...

Engineering functions

Civil works engineer, Research engineer, Methods engineer, Technical supervisor, SME manager ...

I choose gccd SPECIALTY

On Le Havre campus

The studies are offered by the Havre antenna of INSA Rouen Normandie. They take place in the heart of the university campus, located at the famous port of Le Havre. The city has excellent public transport services.

Active pedagogy

The courses offered are regularly supplemented by practical exposure: visits of work or historical sites and student projects.

Support for innovation and entrepreneurship

INSA Rouen Normandie is committed to training profiles sensitive to innovation and entrepreneurship. The institute takes part in different promotion programs such as Pépite, which assists young entrepreneurs.

A professional focus

Students have many opportunities to immerse themselves in the professional environment through their internships every year.

A personalized curriculum

Students have the opportunity to prepare for a research Masters during their 3rd year. They can also do their last year in a similar specialty in another INSA.

Numerous collaborations

The GCCD specialty has very close links with professionals in the sector. Famous civil engineering companies closely engage with the students by sponsoring year groups , setting up special events, recruiting for internships or hiring graduates …

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